Archive for the ‘Introduction’ Category

Our Product Range

Aquatic Enterprise Co. was established in 2001 and commenced business thereafter. Aquatic Enterprise Co. is in the forefront in the support of the local shrimp farming industry through the provision of quality aquaculture products, both hatchery and grow-out and technical advise on biotechnology and microbiology matters through its advance shrimp diagnostic laboratories, the first of its kind in Borneo.

Our Company’s advance shrimp diagnostic laboratories has the capabilities to clinically examine and evaluate post-larvae and diagnose shrimp diseases. Both approaches examines the presence of pathogens which relies heavily on the laboratories effective diagnosis tools. Our system is able to detect the agent responsible for a disease and its contribution to the diseases incidence. Once the disease has been confirmed, we will advise on the relevant treatment to eliminate or bring it under manageable level. Through our systematic evaluation, our lab services serve to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases in order to improve sustainability of the shrimp farming industry.

Nevertheless, our principle aim is to prevent rather than treat the incidence of shrimp diseases and other health problems. In this regard, Aquatic Enterprise Co. has structured a step-by-step culture program to assist shrimp farmers to manage their production. Our proven program promotes sound pond management and stress reduction, which are factors that contribute to the growth, health and production of farmed shrimp.


This web-site serves the needs of our customers with information about our Company, products, distributors and how we can help the shrimp farming industry maximize their yield and profits which is in accord with the Company’s mission statement:

“Together Pursuing Aquaculture Excellence”