K-5 Super Probiotic

K-5 Super Probiotic (Japan)
Bacteria Count : 5.1 x 108 cfu/g

Aquaculture Pond Balance, Concentrated Bacteria Product for Improving Water Quality!
Bacillus Subtilts Multation Strain, Bacillus Licheniformis, Enzyme.
Bacillus Megaterium Var. Phosphaticum, Cellulomonas Biazotus, Nitrosomonas sp.
Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus Polymyxa, Rhodopsedomonas, Nitro Bacter sp.

K-5 reduces the organic waste, toxic residues and ammonia. Once the environment is improved, fish and shrimp will be able to build up their natural immune systems, resulting in improved growth and strength. The use of chemicals and expensive drugs can be avoided.

Apart from K-5 ability to consume ammonia, the unique feature of K-5 bacteria is its ability to breakdown and digests all types of organic waste in the pond. K-5 uses concentrated bacteria that are able to produce enzymes to breakdown organic waste and reduce ammonia and nitrite as well as contain the growth of single-celled algae.

K-5 is one of the highest concentrated bacteria that can return ecological equilibrium to the ponds in a short period of time by reducing the amount of organic wastes.

Benefits of K-5 :
- Improves water quality. Very effective for ammonia & nitrite reduction.
- Controls the growth of harmful single-celled algae.
- Eliminates malodor in the ponds since K-5 eliminates Anaerobic conditions (resulting from the sludge) in the ponds.
- Eliminate Luminescent Bacteria and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria e.g. : – Vibrio harveyi.
- Reduce waste and sludge accumulation on the pond bottom.

Recommendations for use of K-5 :
Grow out pond : Use 500g / 10,000 m2/week.
Hatchery : Use 5g / ton water / day.

Note: Dose in the morning (9-10am) for highest efficiency.

Direction of Use :
Mix K-5 with pond water. Pour and spread the mixture into pond and aerate vigorously.

K-5 (活 菌) 5.1 x 107
( 1 公斤装)

在 “适者生存,不适者淘汰” 的原理下,池水中的细菌互相竞争营养物质。占优势的细菌占用多数的营养,而占少数的细菌只能应用少数的营养而不能大量增殖。因此,如果占优势的细菌是益菌(K-5),有害细菌则会受抑制,使到池塘的生态较稳定,所养殖的虾也会比较健康。K-5可与有害病原菌如弧菌,萤光孤菌竞争生活的空间,并分泌化学物质来抗拒其他害菌的增殖,以达到自身占优势的情况,然而有效的阻止溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus) 的增殖。

九种特别配制专供水产使用之特选细菌,酵素与生长促进剂的混合物. 成份:
Bacillus subtilis Multation Strain, Bacillus licheniformis,
Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum, Cellulomonas biazotea,
Nitrosomonas sp. (硝化悍菌) Nitrobacter sp. (亚硝酸单胞菌)
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus polymyxa, Rhodopseudomonas sp,

K-5 细菌可释放出一种称为bactocillins的天然杀菌剂.其作用为压制有害细菌,如:哈维弧菌的生长. K-5可附着于魚虾之胃肠道,进而继续存在于肠道上而供给稳定的益生菌作用. 它在池水中也具有竞争性排除效果.


1. 减少池水中之有害污物,如:氨,亚硝酸盐,硝酸盐及硫化氢。
2. 减少排泄物与污物泥堆积于池底下。
3. 减少更换池水所带来的自身污染以及换水所带来的交叉感染。
4. 在准备池水时,可促进浮游生物之生长, 并提供营养物于养殖期, 进而 维持稳定的水色。
5. 减少魚虾之紧迫。
6. 减少疾病感染。

用量: 500克 / 10,000平方米
用法: 参水后放置一小时,然后均匀泼入池或直接泼入池中,起动水车.
